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Showing 97 - 108 of 1572 results

Children’s mental health needs more

Now we have the data to prove that waiting times are far too long for children and young people's mental health services, something must be done.

21 February 2024

Making an impact

Our achievements on behalf of members over 2023/24.

19 February 2024

Peering into the future?

Greater use of peer review could reduce the cost of the Care Quality Commission's ICS assessments and lead to real improvement for patients.

19 February 2024

Improving health and care together

Find out more about how we support health and care organisations, systems and leaders.

16 February 2024

Are there too many NHS managers?

In times of hardship, the value of NHS managers is often scrutinised - what do they do and are they worth it?

16 February 2024

Back on track

Priorities for an HSC which is innovative, efficient, outcomes-focused, has a valued and supported workforce and works in partnership.

7 February 2024

Strengthening the social contract of vaccination

Strengthening the social contract that underpins vaccination could have a profound impact on the sustainability of the NHS, writes Matthew Taylor.

2 February 2024