NHS Confederation responds to announcement of funding for eligible non-NHS organisations for one-off AfC payments Matthew Taylor responds to announcement of funding for eligible non-NHS organisations for one-off AfC payments. 6 November 2023
Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors (Wales) - Charter SAS Charter and associated Guidance
NHS Confederation and AstraZeneca UK join to tackle health inequalities for long-term conditions patients NHS Confederation and AstraZeneca UK are pleased to announce a new collaboration agreement 3 November 2023
ICBs can lead the way to a smoke-free future Integrated care boards have the power to bring system partners together to win the war on tobacco and build a healthier, smoke-free future for all. 3 November 2023
BME Leadership Network of Network Leaders A place for chairs and leads of BME/BAME networks to come together, hosted by the BME Leadership Network. 2 November 2023
NHS Confederation responds to new advice line for London police officers attending mental health related incidents Sean Duggan comments on a new mental health advice line for Met Police as part of Right Care, Right Person 1 November 2023
NHS Confederation responds to the NHS Race and Health Observatory’s report on NHS Talking Therapies Sean Duggan responds to the NHS Race and Health Observatory’s report on NHS Talking Therapies. 1 November 2023
Anna Pavlou Anna was previously Programme and Team Support Officer for our Mental Health Network. 1 November 2023