The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme

Our support will help you strengthen your leadership and accelerate your partnership ambitions at system, place and neighbourhood levels.
A diverse office meeting.

Who are we and what do we do?

The NHS Confederation, the Local Government Association and NHS Providers have joined forces to deliver a range of free, bespoke support for local health and care systems through The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme (LIPS).

The LIPS Programme offers independent, ‘from and of the sector’ support to help you strengthen your leadership and accelerate your partnership ambitions at system, place and neighbourhood levels.

“The peer support offer has been invaluable in moving us forward as a group. The peer associate played a key role both for me as chair and to the success of the group with his extensive experience across local government, the NHS and other public organisations”

Chair, Barnsley Integrated Care Partnership Group

Our support

Our support offer includes peer reviews, leadership development sessions, best practice workshops and mentoring. This is delivered by expert peers: senior health and care leaders who act as ‘critical friends’ to facilitate, advise and constructively challenge local leaders to support progress against ambitions or system issues, and agree next steps.

This support is open to any health and care partnership at system, place or locality level, or individual leaders. It is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to address your local challenges, developed in collaboration with you to ensure there is consensus and buy-in from across your partnership.

“The workshops have helped us to develop and mature as a place partnership. The support gave all the partners an equal voice. That for us all was a great gift that enabled us to do the work we needed to do.”

Senior Lead, Coventry and Warwickshire

Support can be focused on strategic aspirations or to explore the strengths or challenges of system leadership through the lens of a specific theme or challenge. For example:

  • reviewing and strengthening working relationships, such as across or within newly established bodies including ICSs, ICPs, place-based partnerships, and professional and clinical networks.
  • reviewing, aligning or creating ICS and ICP strategies, including building on pre-existing local evidence, ambitions and progress.
  • responding to the reform agendas across ICSs, regulation, adult social care charging, health inequalities, levelling up and integration.
  • embedding the gains of Covid-19 and responding the increased demands as a result of the pandemic.
  • exploring the benefits of greater integration to address local challenges or national requirements.
  • addressing the challenge of what shared accountability looks like at system level within legislative frameworks.
  • expanding understanding across partnerships of the different contexts for which NHS and local government.

All support is free of charge and can take place virtually if required. To find out more, email

Useful Resources

We run a series of dissemination events throughout the year, focused on aspects of system transformation, to provide a space for all system levels and disciplines, to hear others’ learning, discuss opportunities and challenges and share issues, ideas and insights.

We also run bespoke sessions to disseminate learning, such as at an ICS or regional level, to discuss opportunities and challenges, share learning and ideas, and/or hear from other systems.

One-to-one peer mentoring

Mentoring is a great way to explore the issues you can’t easily discuss with colleagues, to reflect on difficult decisions and to get a different perspective. As well as building on existing networks and linking systems and people with similar challenges or experience, we will also match individuals for one-to-one support.

Based on the LGA’s long-established model, these reviews are offered virtually, or face-to-face over one or two days, with a mix of one-to-one interviews and focus groups, examining the opportunities and challenges local partners are facing. They are delivered by a team of trained peers, including current or former NHS and local authority chief executives and senior leaders who will provide a report of observations and recommendations. We are also happy to provide follow-on support to implement actions.

“The standard of the facilitators was first class. Hugely experienced. Listened to what was needed and without being too directive or controlling shaped what was needed to engage the broad range of stakeholders we were trying to get all on the same page - no easy task!” Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS

All of this support can take place virtually if required, and requests for peer-led support can be made and delivered at any level, whether that be system, place or locality. Funding for The Leading Integration Peer Support Programme comes from the Primary Care and System Transformation Group at NHSEI.

For more details or to book, please email

  • We offer a range of workshops to suit your needs:

    Pause and reflect: Interactive virtual workshops that build on the incredible collaborations we have seen through COVID-19 and shape a system that is better able to serve people in a fast-changing world. This will require space to collectively pause and reflect on what has been learnt, how collaboration could be strengthened further as systems move from response to recovery and how best to marshal collective resources around a refreshed set of priorities.

    Integrated leadership: This workshop is delivered online or in small groups onsite. It enables local system leaders identify their shared vision, commitment, leadership and accountability to achieve a fully integrated local health and care system. Our approach can be adapted to work across a range of complex systems, including diverse organisational structures or multiple planning and commissioning footprints.

    When worlds collide: This practical and interactive workshop is designed to further mutual understanding and effective engagement for place-based leaders in care, health and wellbeing. Focused on either the NHS or local government, it explores organisational differences to help leaders in other parts of the system understand the context in which their colleagues work.

    Bespoke workshops: We also offer bespoke workshops, to reflect your local priorities.  All workshops can be run virtually, as half or full day events on a one-off basis, or as a series of sessions, depending on your local need.

    What are the benefits of the workshops?

    • An opportunity to learn from experienced peer facilitators with credibility in health and local government who can signpost you to other contacts
    • A chance to step back and develop a greater understanding of the work of your local partners and future opportunities for collaboration
    • A space to identify practical, locally owned actions to support your ambitions

    The workshops have helped us to develop and mature as a place partnership. The support gave all the partners an equal voice. That for us all was a great gift that enabled us to do the work we needed to do.” Senior lead, Coventry and Warwickshire

    To book a workshop, please email

  • Peer review is a robust and effective improvement tool led by the sector, for the sector. Building on the success of the LGA’s existing peer review model, and sector-led improvement approach we continue to introduce more experienced peers from the NHS.

    The reviews are designed as a sense check for each partnership and an opportunity to hear how others are meeting similar challenges, encouraging the cross fertilisation of good practice within and between systems.

    We have also developed a peer-to-peer review model where senior representatives from two systems come together to compare their vision, priorities, successes and challenges. The aim is to share these with experienced colleagues in a safe space to gain a different perspective and new ideas about how to solve common problems.

    What are the benefits of a peer review?

    • A fresh perspective from expert, trained NHS and local government peers with first-hand experience of system working
    • Constructive feedback and recommendations on what you can do to drive improvement
    • Follow-up support from expert peers, if requested.

    “It’s definitely had a life beyond the event. It’s created a greater sense of collective responsibility which is now changing the conversations we’re having’ and ‘there have been significant behavioural and tonal changes as a result…with greater peer to peer challenge on an ongoing basis and a new focus on finding solutions to long standing issues….’’  Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership

    To book a peer review, please email

  • We are currently planning our programme of dissemination events for 2022 and will update these pages with dates and details shortly. They will also be published on our events page.

    Previously we have covered relevant and timely topics including; Making Sense of Integrated Care Systems, health inequalities, NED and councillor engagement: What good looks like, and also, Co-producing with and engaging communities: What does good look like? So far, 210 senior leaders have attended our events.

    Our online events are aimed at chairs, non-executive directors, councillors, local government officers and lay members and will explore the top issues facing leaders. Each webinar will include expert introductions to the theme alongside local leaders sharing their practical experiences and learning.

    You can watch recordings of previous events here: Peer Support Offer - YouTube

    “One of the best, well run and informative webinars I have been to this year. Clear concise presentations that hit the right note.  It was inspiring, real, gave real practical ideas and well managed chat and plenary.”

  • Peer mentoring is traditionally a one-to-one non-judgemental relationship in which an individual (mentor) voluntarily gives time to support and encourage another (mentee). Peer mentors provide advice and guidance for those who require their support.

    It is a great way to explore the issues you can’t easily discuss with colleagues, to reflect on difficult decisions and to get a different perspective. As well as offering one-to-one support, we can build on existing networks and link systems with similar challenges or experiences.

    What impact can mentoring have?

    • Improve self-esteem and confidence.
    • Develop communication skills and problem-solving skills.
    • Provide a space away from your team to discuss current challenges.

    To enquire about mentoring, email